Our Story
Faith Builders Day Care is a Christian Day Care serving the greater Waynesboro, Pennsylvania area. Faith Builders Day Care started as a vision of Otterbein Church in Waynesboro to meet the needs of families and impact the next generation by providing a high quality Christian Day Care. After much prayer and planning, a new Board of Directors was created in the spring of 2021 to provide oversight for the Day Care. Faith Builders Day Care opened on August 23, 2021 and when fully enrolled will serve 100 children and their families.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide an exemplary program based on Biblical teachings that inspire life long learning.
Our Philosophy
Our Program is designed with families in mind. We seek to form a partnership with the parent/guardian that promotes the learning and healthy development of your child. We want to build self-esteem, develop school readiness and help children reach their full potential in learning. Our role is to supplement and not take the place of the primary role of families in providing care for their children.
Our Goals
Our goal is to be a leader in child care by providing the highest quality program. Our program will be implemented with qualified, nurturing staff members, who will help each child reach their full potential based on a foundation of christian principles.
Our Staff
Each staff member strives to create a warm, caring, and loving environment filled with Christian experiences that will foster intrinsic motivation for children to enjoy school and learn. All staff members maintain certification in first aid along with infant/child and adult CPR. Annual training in child abuse and neglect, mandated reporting, blood borne pathogens and universal precautions are provided for all staff.

Kellie Dietrich
Jessica Musser
Executive Director
Director of Administration and Compliance
717-788-2231 Ext.101
717-788-2231 Ext.102
Kellie has an Associate Degree in Early Childhood and a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. Prior to coming to Faith Builders, she has worked in Day Care facilities for many years in various roles including serving as a Site Coordinator for First Start Partnerships for Children and Families.
Jessica has a Bachelor degree in music and a Master's degree in Education, Curriculum and Instruction. She has served in two churches as the Director of Children's Ministries and in her most recent role oversaw 50+ volunteers and administrated a program for 300 children. She and her husband live in Hagerstown.
Board of Directors
A seven-person Board of Directors provides oversight for Faith Builders Day Care. The Board meets monthly to review and approve policies, oversee finances, provide oversight for the Director and Assistant Director, and assist in helping to assure Faith Builders Day Care is providing the highest quality program possible. The Board of Directors is autonomous and not governed by any other organization.
Our Location
Faith Builders Day Care is located in the Otterbein Chapel, 801 Park Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Parking is located behind the Day Care (enter off Ninth Street) or you can park along Park Street in front of the Otterbein Chapel. (Note: Otterbein Chapel is the building with the steeple). All visitors should enter the Day Care using the main entrance of Otterbein Chapel located along Park Street (enter by the big white pillars).

Our Confession of Faith
Faith Builder's Day Care is a Christian Day Care facility. Following is our Confession of Faith which guides our teaching and is the basis for our operation of the Day Care:
We believe that God exists eternally in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that He created this world and sustains it by His power. We believe that God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to save sinners by His atoning death.
We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. While on earth, He was fully God and fully man. Through the power of His teaching and His miracles, He proved Himself to be God. We believe that Jesus was crucified, that he died, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. We believe He ascended into heaven where He intercedes for believers before God the Father. We believe He is coming again to take His Church to be with Him.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and resides in the heart of every person who has made a commitment to Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells a person at the moment he commits his life to Jesus Christ.
We believe the Church (all Christians) was established for followers of Christ to worship, fellowship, study, pray together, and be a vehicle for being a witness in this world for Jesus Christ. We believe that all followers of Christ should be actively involved in a church.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, written without error, and preserved for our instruction. We believe that it is authoritative, accurate and relevant & is the guide for all of life.
We believe that man was meant to have a perfect communion with God but sin ruined that relationship. The only way for a person to be restored to that right relationship is through the saving power of Jesus Christ. Without this, a person will be eternally separated from God and spend eternity in Hell. We believe that salvation is based on Christ’s work and not on man’s effort. Everyone must personally accept this gift of grace through confession, repentance, and commitment to Christ as Savior.
We believe the family and marriage are God’s creation. As such, we believe God has provided clear direction in the Bible as to how marriage and the family can be successful, fulfilling, and accomplish His purposes.
We believe that marriage is defined by God as a union between one man and one woman. We also believe that while God desires that no marriage ends in divorce, He acknowledges and provides guidance in the Bible for divorce and remarriage for anyone who has experienced a divorce.
We believe the Bible clearly teaches the need for followers of Christ to be baptized by water as a symbolic act of their commitment to Christ. We believe the symbolic nature of baptism allows for it to be done by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. We believe infants can be publicly presented to the Lord by their parents and should wait to be baptized until they are able to make a decision of their own to follow Christ.
We believe the Lord’s supper (communion) should be practiced regularly by followers of Christ. We believe the bread symbolizes the body of Christ and the juice symbolizes the blood of Christ.
We believe that both the Lord’s supper and baptism are acts of obedience and expressions of love for Christ. In no way does either of these acts provide any special grace to those who participate or assure one of a proper relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe that God exists eternally in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that He created this world and sustains it by His power. We believe that God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to save sinners by His atoning death.
We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. While on earth, He was fully God and fully man. Through the power of His teaching and His miracles, He proved Himself to be God. We believe that Jesus was crucified, that he died, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. We believe He ascended into heaven where He intercedes for believers before God the Father. We believe He is coming again to take His Church to be with Him.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and resides in the heart of every person who has made a commitment to Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells a person at the moment he commits his life to Jesus Christ.
We believe the Church (all Christians) was established for followers of Christ to worship, fellowship, study, pray together, and be a vehicle for being a witness in this world for Jesus Christ. We believe that all followers of Christ should be actively involved in a church.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, written without error, and preserved for our instruction. We believe that it is authoritative, accurate and relevant & is the guide for all of life.
We believe that man was meant to have a perfect communion with God but sin ruined that relationship. The only way for a person to be restored to that right relationship is through the saving power of Jesus Christ. Without this, a person will be eternally separated from God and spend eternity in Hell. We believe that salvation is based on Christ’s work and not on man’s effort. Everyone must personally accept this gift of grace through confession, repentance, and commitment to Christ as Savior.
We believe the family and marriage are God’s creation. As such, we believe God has provided clear direction in the Bible as to how marriage and the family can be successful, fulfilling, and accomplish His purposes.
We believe that marriage is defined by God as a union between one man and one woman. We also believe that while God desires that no marriage ends in divorce, He acknowledges and provides guidance in the Bible for divorce and remarriage for anyone who has experienced a divorce.
We believe the Bible clearly teaches the need for followers of Christ to be baptized by water as a symbolic act of their commitment to Christ. We believe the symbolic nature of baptism allows for it to be done by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. We believe infants can be publicly presented to the Lord by their parents and should wait to be baptized until they are able to make a decision of their own to follow Christ.
We believe the Lord’s supper (communion) should be practiced regularly by followers of Christ. We believe the bread symbolizes the body of Christ and the juice symbolizes the blood of Christ.
We believe that both the Lord’s supper and baptism are acts of obedience and expressions of love for Christ. In no way does either of these acts provide any special grace to those who participate or assure one of a proper relationship with Jesus Christ.